Religious Education Program

Easthampton Congregational Church, UCC

At Easthampton Congregational Church, we are committed to providing our children with an enriching and rewarding religious education program. We strive to combine biblical teachings, lessons on morality, and sense of community, all in the spirit of fun.

We recognize that different-aged children require different learning structures. Our classrooms allow us to offer Sunday School classes for three age groups – K-1st grade, 2-4th grade and 5-6th grade. Each class hears a story based on the theme of the day and then partakes in a related activity.

Throughout the school year, the children participate in a variety of special things including a Christmas Pageant performance and fundraising for Heifer International, a non-profit organization whose mission is to end hunger and poverty, and care for the earth, through community effort.

Older children, grades 7-12, are encouraged to join our youth group. We participate in a variety of community service projects such as Cathedral in the Night, Habitat for Humanity, and taking collections for those in need. We also spend time together enjoying group activities including trips to the corn maze, bowling, and Christmas caroling.

Please join us!